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Bournemouth University

Growing technology skills, sharing strategies, and building pathways to turn ideas into successful businesses.

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We partnered with Bournemouth University from April 2019 to December 2022 to help them build capacity in technology transfer, and make strategic recommendations. They also needed to co-create commercialisation processes, such as a spin-out framework and user guide.

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We supported technology transfer meetings both in-person and virtually to over 25 academics, building and developing BU's research IP commercialisation pipeline. 36 projects at various development stages progressed through our support. Together with BU, we identified 78 IP portfolio activities off the back of potential commercialisation opportunities that included:

  • 'Invention disclosure meetings'
  • ‘IP due diligence and Market assessments'
  • ‘Spin-out and licensing activities (business plan support and identification, and potential licensee engagement)’

Our pitch support empowered three BU academics to successfully receive funding for their start-up accelerator programme.

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Newly created strategies and internal processes raised BU’s IP commercialisation capacity. Next, we co-created a gated spinout risk management framework tailored to BU's existing systems, processes and policies for research commercialisation. The framework helped allocate resourcing and clear spinout timelines for all stakeholders. To support the framework, we helped BU develop a spinout information handbook, toolkit and 'sound bites' as a guide for internal marketing activities.

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With BU's new commercialisation process and framework, potential commercial project identification and evaluation, clear route-to-market plans, milestones and timelines were developed. They also explored new potential partnerships, ultimately enabling the BU Research commercialisation manager (RCM) to quickly and efficiently develop a tailored spin-out risk management framework. The framework clearly explained the spin-out process at BU and tactics to achieving each stage, those involved and expected timelines. Our work helped the RCM communicate the, as of yet untapped, spin-out benefits to BU senior stakeholders, and drove the new spin-out framework's implementation.